

Chemistry Review 2009

   The 2009 School Year at last comes to the end.  This is the first year I teach in this school.  5C, 5F, 4D & 4E were my students . At first, I found it was a whole new experience to teach in a all girls school.  Anyhow, I like my girls and happy with the their effort in their chemistry class.

  But i'm curious. Do my students like their chemistry lesson with me? What do they think about my teaching strategy/approach?  Knowing my students better would help me to improve in the coming school year.

I wish my students could email me their opinion to me, The follows are some guides what you could write:

  1. Do you like your chemistry lesson?
  2. What activity in the class you like the most? Computer simulation of abstract concepts, group experiment, module, topical questions, answering tips, pair/group discussion?
  3. What are your suggestion to improve your chemistry lesson?
  4. How frequent do you visit this blog? Everyday?
  5. Which part in this blog do you like? Notes, tips, class activity, chemistry related website link, chemitry related knowledge?

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