

Chemicals for Consumer

The discovery of chemicals manufactured for consumers such as cleaning agents, food additives and medicines has helped us improve our health and standard of living. Today, different type of these chemicals are produced to meet the needs and preferences of consumers. Therefore, understanding the chemistry of these chemicals will help a consumer select and use them wisely.

Hopefull this holiday assignment will make you realise the importance of many chemicals available in your daily life.  Any doubt, don't be hesitate to ask. Enjoy your holidays!


  1. Dear teacher,

    Good morning.
    I am a form 4 student from SESERI. I am in a bad situation now..are we allowed to reduce the number of food labels in our chemistry folio? This is because I cannot find all 12 different labels in my house..what if I cut images of the cleansing agents and food labels from a magazine..and find out the contents from the Internet? That way it is more convenient as I have more different range of products (from the mag)than what I already have in my house.

    Please teacher, I hope you approve my idea. I only need to complete the 'collections' part in the folio, after that I am done with the assignment so that I can continue with the homework piling in front of me..

    Thank you. I look forward to read your reply. Have nice days ahead!


  2. thank you, teacher! now it is very clear. I thought we are only required to collect floor cleaners..
