

2012 SPM Chemistry (Paper1) Answer

1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D
11.B 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.B
21.C 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.C 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.D 30.B
31.B 32.B 33.B 34.D 35.B 36.C 37.C 38.A 39.C 40.C
41.A 42.A 43.B 44.D 45.D 46.D 47.C 48.A 49.A 50.D


Common Sources of Radiation Used in Malaysia

Medical Field

Widely used in Nuclear Medicine, radiology & Radiotherapy, for diagnosis purposes & medical research. 
Common radioisotopes used : Technitium-99, Cobalt-60, Cesium-137, Iodine & Radium 226

In Industry

Used in industrial application such as gauging, oil logging, industrial radiography, analyytical purposes for minerals & soil samples, quality assuarance for electronic componenets & tracer 
technique applications. 
Common radioisotopes used : Americium-241, Berryllium-9, Cobalt-60, Cesium-137, Stronitium-90, Iridium-192, Argon-41, Kripton-85, Sodium-24.

In Research

Mostly for research activities in agriculture, medicine & nuclear sciences. 
Common radioisotopes used : Phosphorus-32, Technitium-99, Cobalt-60, Cesium-137, Gold-198.

Source : Atomic energy Licensing Board, Malaysia


Crystallization of Lead(II) Iodide

  1. What is the special characteristics of lead(II) iodide you observe from the video above?
  2. What are the reactants used to prepare lead(II) iodide?

Naming of Carbon Compounds

Wordle: Carbon Compounds

Are you able to identify names of 10 different carbon compounds?
It's a trial version using Wordle.


Modul Perfect Score SBP (Kimia) 2012

Perfect Score SBP 2012 is prepared by a group of experienced teacher.   It consists :
  1. Answering techniques for Paper 2 & 3 SPM
  2. 5 sets of questions which arranged according to topics. 
I believe it help students to get a thorough revision through the exercises. You may download through the link provide. 

Any questions that need clarification from Chem2u, please post by using the link at the comments below this post. A text box will appear.  Remember to include your name before you click the button Publish


Paper 2 Trial Chemistry SPM Terengganu 2012

All 5B, 5F & 5G Students
 Please attempt the following questions in Paper 2 Trial Chemistry SPM Terengganu 2012.
Question 7 : Salts
Question 8 : Redox Reactions
Question 9 : Carbon Compounds
Question 10 : Rate of Reaction

All of you are welcomed to post your answer or ask questions here. 
Remember : Please click at the comments below this post. A text box will appear.  Remember to include your name before you click the button Publish.  A best response & active participant will be acknowledged by Chem2u after the discussion is closed on 29 October 2012. 


Olympics 2012 Medals : From Mine to Medals

The precious ore for the Olympics medals has been supplied by London 2012 sponsor Rio Tinto and was mined at Kennecott Utah Copper Mine near Salt Lake City in America, as well as from the Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia. 

The Rio Tinto official webpage provides  an interactive explanation on every process involved from Mine to Medals. 

Some processes involve Chemical Reactions :  

  • Extraction
  • Smelting
  • Refining(Purification)


Chemistry of Olympics 2012 Medals

Medal Specification : 
Weight :  375-400g
Diameter : 85mm 
Thickness : 7mm 

Composition of Olympics Medals

  1. The gold medal  :  92.5% silver and 1.34% gold, with the remainder copper (a minimum of 6g of gold).
  2. The silver medal :  92.5% silver, with the remainder copper.
  3. The bronze medal is :  97.0% copper, 2.5% zinc and 0.5% tin.

Oscar Trophy is an Alloy!

Guess what is the composition of the Oscar trophy?


Density of Noble Gases

After watching video, can you answer the following questions:

  1. Name all noble gases. 
  2. State one physical property of noble gases mentioned in this video. 
  3. How does this physical property change when going down Group 18? 


Individual Assignment - Alkanes

Based on the graph, answer the following question.

  1. Name the alkanes with 4 carbon atom per molecule.     [1 marks]
  2. Compare the boiling point of ethane & hexane. Explain the difference. [4 marks]
  3. Explain the chemical properties of ethane.       [4 marks]

Individual Task 
  1. Please click at the comments below this post. A text box will appear.
  2. Write in the text box the answer for the question above.  No plagiarism!
  3. Remember to include your name before you click the button Publish
  4. The greatest comment posted will be given an token after we meet again in class!
  5. Due date : 6 pm, 17 March 2012.


Individual Assignment - Rate of Reaction

  1. Compare the rate of reaction in Set I and Set II.                 [2 marks]
  2. Explain your answer with reference to the collision theory.  [4 marks]

    Individual Task 
    1. Please click at the comments below this post. A text box will appear.
    2. Write in the text box the answer for the question posted above.  No plagiarism!
    3. Remember to include your name before you click the button Publish
    4. The greatest comment posted will be given an token after we meet again in class!
    5. Due date : 6 pm, 17 March 2012.


Individual Assignment 5G - Rate of Reaction

We just finished Chapter 1 Rate of Reaction on 3/2/2012. The holiday task is given to you so that you are more familiar with the questions in the real SPM.  Any problems, please leave your questions here/chatbox. The rest of the 5 Gastisian are welcomed to answer your friends' question too.

Individual Task
  1. Please click at the comments below this post. A text box will appear.
  2. Write in the text box the important concept that you wont forget in your daily life from Chapter 1 Rate of Reaction.  The minimum length is 2 sentences. No plagiarism!
  3. Remember to include your name before you click the button Publish
  4. The greatest comment posted will be given an token after we meet again in class!
  5. Due date : 6 pm, 7 Feb 2012.



How Does Pressure Increase the Rate of Cooking?

 The high temperature in pressure cooker increases the boiling point of  water to a temperature above 100 0C.  The food absorbs more heat.  Hence, the time taken for the food to be cooked becomes shorter.  Thus the food is cooked  faster at a higher temperature in a pressure cooker.


Measurement of Rate of Reaction between an acid with Marble Chips

How to measure rate of reaction between an acid with marble chips?

First, we need to figure out the observable changes in quantity of reactant/product.

The observation mostly given by my class students are as follows :
  1. marble chips dissapears.
  2. gas bubbles produced.
Which quantity they would like to measure? Ha ha.. many students were stucked and were unable to given any response. Some might gave nonsence. The hand glove was purposely fixed on the mouth of a beaker filled with acid and marble chips. Soon, they realised it wasn't an accurate way of measurement the quantity of gas.   Slowly the students were guided to use the water displacement method to measure the changes in volume of gas released per unit time.