

Individual Assignment 5G - Rate of Reaction

We just finished Chapter 1 Rate of Reaction on 3/2/2012. The holiday task is given to you so that you are more familiar with the questions in the real SPM.  Any problems, please leave your questions here/chatbox. The rest of the 5 Gastisian are welcomed to answer your friends' question too.

Individual Task
  1. Please click at the comments below this post. A text box will appear.
  2. Write in the text box the important concept that you wont forget in your daily life from Chapter 1 Rate of Reaction.  The minimum length is 2 sentences. No plagiarism!
  3. Remember to include your name before you click the button Publish
  4. The greatest comment posted will be given an token after we meet again in class!
  5. Due date : 6 pm, 7 Feb 2012.



  1. *meat! sorry ms khor, typing error

  2. nur aqilah syarfa(5g)February 5, 2012 at 5:22 PM

    when the temperature of the reactant increase,the kinetic energy of the reacting particles also increase...
    betul x teacher?hehe

  3. teacher another one is, let's see when doughnot dough is at warm place, the dough rises more quickly than in a cool one. betul tak teacher? and if we put salt/sugar in hot water, the salt/sugar is easily soluble in hot water. so it means that the higher the temperature, the higher rate of reaction

  4. for me is when we make two cups of coffee . we use same size and quantity of coffee powder but different temperature of water . the higher the temperature of water the shorter the time taken for the coffee powder to soluble in water . err betul tak ?

  5. I am planning to bake something sweet. When I flipped through the recipe book, I realized that baking cake would take a longer time than baking muffins even when the temperature and the amount of mixture used is the same. So, I relate this with the first chapter i learn this year.
    When the mixture is made into small muffins, the total surface area exposed to heat is greater. Hence, the rate of reaction increases.
    Betul tak teacher? ^_^

  6. Farah Munira MasahuriFebruary 5, 2012 at 8:32 PM

    when we use sugar cube , it takes longer time to soluble in coffee or any other drink than granulated sugar ..

  7. for example when we are making syrup . we use a hot water because we want the sugar to dissolve faster . this is because the when the temperature increases , the particles gain more energy to collide and exceed the activation energy . so , the frecuency of effective energy increases and the rate of reaction increases :) i guess .

  8. Nur Iman Husna Zainal KamarFebruary 5, 2012 at 11:14 PM

    lower the temperature lower the rate of reaction.So in a refrigerator reactions happen slower so foods rot slower

    1. Yes, rate of food decaying become lower when kept in a lower temperature.

  9. teacher , when i want to fry sausage , it takes a longer time than when i cut it into small cubes . so , i can conclude that the larger surface area , the higher the rate of reaction :) so sorry , my english berterabur , but i tried . huhu ;)

    1. Good try! The larger total surface area of sausage exposed to heat, the sausage cook faster.

  10. adding salt into water will shorten the time taken for the water to be heated up. we can say that salt is like a catalyst because catalyst increase the rate of reaction. when time taken is short, rate of reaction is high

    1. Adding salt into water will increase its boiling point. Salt is less approriate to relate with catalyst!

  11. or or what about the concentration? for example when we add a lot of orange cordial in a drink, time taken for it to dissolve becomes longer as the concentration is high.

    1. The idea is not expressed clearly. Can you please explain in more detail.

  12. Nur Adleen bt AbdullahFebruary 6, 2012 at 12:24 PM

    err...well..i want to eat maggi...i boiled the water till reach the boiling the maggi will cook faster...~isnt it?? .. the higher the temperature the higher the rate of its reaction...

    1. Yes. The higher the temperature of water, the faster the food is cooked faster.

  13. when i dried clothes in the morning, i found out that blankets took longer time to dry completely compared to shirts. I relate it to chemistry because i realize that surface area affects the rate of reaction..

  14. Reaction is a process that leads to a change in substances into another. Reactant --> product.

  15. as i was making tea for the guests-
    i had found that small pieces of ice cubes dissolve faster in water than big chunks of ice cubes. Therefore the cubes with the larger surface area exposed will react faster than the bigger cubes with the smaller surface area.
    is that correct teacher? :B

  16. i hang my clothes in a shady place takes a longer time to dry than dry it in a hot sun. besides, hanging a bigger and wet things, like comforter for example, it takes longer time to dry than just hanging t-shirts and pants. so, the conclusion is, the higher the temperature, the higher the rate of reaction. the larger the surface area, the higher the rate of reaction..

    p/s : HAI MISS KHOR !! best cuti? haha.. sory kalau salah. A+ chemistry :)

  17. the smaller the size of reactant,the higher the rate of reaction.ok, for example im using a meat as an example. if we cut it into small pieces it will cook faster campared to the bigger pieces.

  18. ilham fakhrul farrisFebruary 7, 2012 at 11:25 AM

    the larger the total surface area, the higher the rate of reaction. as for example, when we hang our clothes on suspension we must not fold it into smaller pieces. because it will take more time for the clothes to dry.
