

Chemistry Related Career

   One day, one of my students came to approach me after the end of her chemistry lesson.
    "Teacher, is it good I further study in chemistry?" She asked.

   "Of course, yes! But which part of chemistry do you like the most?" I said.

   She started to fall into a deep thought.

   Actually, deep in my heart, I'm glad my students have interest and plan to study more about chemistry.

  There are many fields requires chemistry knowledge:

  1. food science
  2. forensic science
  3. environmental science
  4. oceanology
  5. geochemistry
  6. education(teacher, or lecturer)
  7. biotechnology
  8. medicine
  9. engineering
  10. plastic chemistry
  11. metallurgy
  12. agrochemistry
  13. pharmaceuticals
  14. dietian

  The list is incomplete. Chemistry works in any industrial, educational, scientific, or governmental field. A chemistry student is equipped with excellent analytical and mathematical skills which help them to solve problems in their job.

  Perhaps I'll post more chemistry related career later. So, what's your choice?

 For further reading, you might visit American Chemical Society.

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