

Displacement Reaction

I found these two videos on displacement reaction from It's quite interesting! Have a look...

(1) Reaction between silver nitrate solution and copper

(2) Reaction between copper sulphate solution and iron nail
For the first reaction, reaction between silver nitrate solution and copper
  • copper is more electropositive than silver
  • copper displace silver from its salt solution
  • the silver solid, silver is displaced by copper from its salt solution
  • Chemical equation:
     AgNO3(aq) + Cu(s) --> Ag(s) + Cu(NO)3(aq)
Question: Why does the colourless solution turns blue?
For the second reaction, reaction between copper sulphate solution and iron nail
  • iron is more electropositive than copper
  • iron displace copper from its salt solution
  • the brown solid, copper is displaced by iron from its salt solution
  • Chemical equation: 
      CuSO4(aq) + Fe(s) --> FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
Question: Why the intensity of blue copper sulphate solution decrease?
Points to ponder: Why both reaction are examples of redox reaction?

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