

Visitors from Jawa Tengah

Recently a bus of teachers & students from Jawa Tengah visited my school. Initially, the visitors were planned to observe my chemistry class with 5H.  But it went out not as planned. Few teachers & students dropped by my chemistry class and stayed with us for a while.  At that moment, I was showing a video relating reaction between hydrogen & iodine. The girls were asked to explain the requirement for a chemical reaction. Luckily the lesson went well as planned.


Scientists' Contribution towards Development of Atomic Structure

  1. J.J. Thomson discovered electron.
  2. Ernest Rutherford discovered the proton
  3. James Chadwick discovered the neutron.
We get to know more about an atom thanks to their effort.

In your opinion, how does an atom look like? How about a carbon atom?

Please respond  by leaving your comments & names.


Effect of Concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate on its Rate of Reaction with Sulphuric Acid

5C students carried out their investigation to study the effect of concentration of sodium thiosulphate on its rate of reaction with sulphuric acid on 24 Jan 2011.

Before the experiment, they were ready with their experiment plan. Most of them were able to write a satisfactory experiment plan. However, the aim of the experiment, problem statement were not specific.  Some even were not ready with their table. Hopefully they would improve after discussing with me.

The students were able to carry out the experiment with correct technique & skills. Well done, 5C students!
The student was taking time for mark 'X' dissapear from view.
Cooperation is shown througout the experiment.

The conical flask is swirled once sulphuric acid is added into sodium thiosulphate.

Mark 'X' is observed from top of the conical flask. The other pair of students were discussing their data.


Chemistry SPM 2010 Paper 1

Chemistry SPM was on 6 Dec 2010, which is a week ago. As I go through the question paper in more details, the arrangement of the question was slightly different compared to the last few years. Normally questions involving calculation or more difficult question are arranged at later part. But this year the questions are seems more likely arranged according to topics in chemistry syllabus.



No of Question

2   Structure of atom                                    


3   Chemical Formulae & Equations


4   Periodic Table of Elements


5   Chemical Bonds


6   Electrochemistry                                     


7   Acid & Bases                                  


8   Salts                                                       


9   Manufacture Substances in Industry        


1   Rate of Reaction                                     


2   Carbon Compounds                               


3   Redox                                                    


4   Thermochemistry                                    


5   Chemicals for Consumer


For answer for this paper, please click here.