

Love Chemistry

Photo taken from one of student's sketch on her exercise. Looks like she enjoys my chemistry class very much.

Learning a subject with enthusiasm will help students to ask, explore and master the subject well.
All the best, Siti Azwa(4E)!


Perfect Score Chemistry SBP Zon Tengah 2009

From 17 -19 July, my colleague, Ms Foo and I were involved in Perfect Score Chemistry organized by SBP at UKM, Bangi as fasillitators. 3 students each from SAS, SSP, SESERI, ASIS, KISAS, KUSES, SEMASHUR, SMSS, SMAP Kajang, SBPI Sabak Bernam, SBPI Rawang, SBPI Gombak, SEMESTER took part in this activity.

Students worked on different exam-like questions in their own groups and presented their answers in front of other participants and fassilitators. Through their peer group presentation and fasilitators' comments , students learnt. Thanks to all facilitators, Pn Norini, Pn Norlia, Pn Marlina, Pn Norma, Mr Alan, Mr Shukri. Without them, the program wouldn't be carried out smoothly and successfully.

On the first session, I shared with all the participants some tips to score chemistry. In fact I was a bit nervous to talk about the topics especially in front of so many experienced teacher. Surprisingly, it received great response from all the participants. That really means alot to me.

To all the participants, they have shown their enthusiasm throughout the program. They were proactive, creative in giving ideas and fluent in English. All the best to all the participants! Hope all of you will shine.....


Prefix for Naming of Carbon Compounds

Picture taken is from one my student’s note.

Sounds like part of love letter or some sort of poem. Ha ha…

Actually that’s one of her way to remember the prefix used for naming of carbon compounds.

Pergi – prop
Buat – But
Pedih – Pent
Hati – Hex
Oh – Oct
No - Non
Dia - Dec

In my chemistry class, I encourage my students to create stories/interesting sentence for any chemistry keywords/facts. Sometimes they can come up with a very creative idea during their brainstorming session. Their friends might laugh at their ideas, but students tend to remember those dull facts better.
Perhaps, this is one learning strategy you can apply in other subjects too... Through my reading on ways to boost up our memory. Some people even try to visualise each keyword with a picture and link all them in a story.
When I'm free, I'll post more examples of ways to remember chemistry facts......
Thanks Fitri(5C)!

Plastics that Decompose within a Year

Thanks for your efforts, scientist from Universiti Sains Malaysia!!!
reported by The Sun, 25 June 2009. Click the image for more details.